Tantra Yoga Module

The Tantra Yoga module is not just a path to physical wellness but a holistic approach to achieving spiritual enlightenment, soul evolution, and a higher state of consciousness. Step-by-step you will be guided on a transformative journey, unlocking secrets of the self, personal growth, and energy mastery through ancient tantric yoga practices.

Tantra Yoga - Group yoga class at a retreat
Guided Tantra Yoga class at a yoga retreat
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Tantra Yoga Level 1

True Tantra Starts Here

Level 1 of the Tantra Yoga Module is a powerful initiation into our energy-based meditative Yoga. You will learn and practice profound fundamentals of the Hatha Yoga system, Laya Yoga, Karma Yoga, Nidra Yoga, Kriya Yoga (the yoga of purification), and much more. Level 1 serves as an irreplaceable stepping stone and foundation to one’s spiritual growth.
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Tantra Yoga Levels 2 and 3

Become a True Aspirant

Levels 2 and 3 expand upon and magnify the knowledge and practice gained in Level 1. Here the teachings of Hatha, Laya and Kriya yogas advance and you will begin the preparation for Pranayama and learn the first Pranayama techniques. Level 3 concludes with the Red Sash Exam. Passing this exam is a prerequisite for attending Level 4 and above - the Disciple Program.
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Tantra Yoga Levels 4 to 8

Become a True Disciple

Levels 4 to 8 introduce yet higher teachings from Tantra Yoga. You will receive the first four chakra initiations with bija mantras and journey into the secret and mystical practice of Mahavidya Yoga – the Yoga of the Cosmic Powers. Level 8 concludes with the Orange Sash exam. Passing this exam is a prerequisite for participating in Level 9 and up - the Practitioner Program.
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Tantra Yoga Levels 9 to 14

The Practitioner Program

In Levels 9 to 14 you will continue to deepen your spiritual study and practice with more advanced techniques and knowledge. These teachings will prepare your mind, body and spirit for the Kundalini Yoga program and culminate with the Yellow Sash Exam. You will learn advanced pranayama techniques, receive two initiations for the next cosmic powers of Mahavidya Yoga, continue your practice with new subtle colors of Laya Yoga and gain the final bija mantras for the chakras.
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Tantra Yoga Levels 15 to 24

The Kundalini Program

Authentic Kundalini Yoga is one of the most powerful forms of Tantra Yoga (not to be mistaken with the modern Kundalini Yoga widely available today). Here the spiritual aspirant will be propelled into strong energy practices, which require a thorough physical and energetic preparation and the guidance of accomplished teachers. Level 24 concludes with the Green Sash Exam. Passing this exam is a prerequisite for beginning the Chakra Tapas and Advanced Teachings.
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Chakra Tapas Program

And the Advanced Teachings

More information about the Chakra Tapas Program and the Advanced Teachings will be disclosed only to the students who reach these higher levels.

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