Red Sash Exam
Completing Level 3 designates the end of the first major step in your evolution through the Tantra Yoga module.
At the end of this program you will take the Red Sash Exam, or otherwise named the “Aspirant’s Examination”, which tests your proficiency in the yogic practice, science and knowledge gained so far in the first three levels.
The exam includes theoretical multiple-choice questions on all of the material covered in Levels 1-3, as well as practical assignments – such as accurate performance of any of the techniques learned in these levels, prolonged execution of certain techniques, and other assessments.
The details of the Red Sash Exam will be disclosed at the beginning of Level 3. Personal practice of the teachings and techniques of all the prior levels is needed to pass the Red Sash Exam successfully and to continue on to the subsequent level.
We recommend that you review and study all of your notes and booklets from all prior levels to prepare for the Red Sash Exam.