Junior Teacher
With a deeper yearning to find ways to heal the empty feeling inside, she found Yoga and Ayurveda. Meditation also became a big part of her life — first Transcendental Meditation for many years, and then later also Vipassana.
Through meditation, she found peace. But these peaceful states didn’t last, and she still didn’t feel happy or satisfied with her life. One day, she was searching the internet for answers and came across Somananda Tantra School and the Tantra Massage Therapist course. She immediately applied, and the rest is history.
This course was the starting point for a beautiful and much-longed-for new chapter in Radhika’s life. She came home from the course with a deep feeling of real feminine awakening and self-love. For the first time ever, she felt at home with herself and unconditionally loved. She realized that she had finally found what she had been looking for her entire life.
She also felt an even stronger spiritual longing than ever before — with a conviction that she was unstoppable. She has been continuing the Tantric and Yogic path with Somananda Tantra School ever since.
Many personal obstacles in her life have completely shifted due to her ongoing tantric practice. At times she wants to pinch herself because she feels like she’s living a dream. She never gets tired of receiving and sharing the tantric teachings; it is what her soul has guided her towards all her life. She just had to make a bit of a detour first.
Radhika feels a lot of gratitude towards her inner Shakti, who never gave up the search for Shiva. And she feels so much love for the Divine for finally making her whole again. For Radhika, it is such a joy and a deeply meaningful inner calling to teach and help spread authentic Tantra and these spiritual gems to the world.
She is forever grateful to her beloved teachers for believing in her and giving her invaluable spiritual guidance along the way.